Sunday, May 5, 2013


I just finished using voicethread for the first time. If you haven't heard of this web 2.0 technology it is a fun and easy way to communicate with your class on a variety of topics. If you want to view my first one it is at: It is set up as a discussion post that is related to a topic shown either in a picture, video, or audio clip. You are able to comment by mic, video, telephone and/or keypad. I set mine up as an introduction to our next unit so students can prepare for the unit while also engaging in the technology. It doesn't take long to organize yourself to the set up, and you can save and delete as you go along. P.S. I don't have any affiliation with the website, just thought I'd pass it along.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ergonomics in the Classroom

Simple Solutions for Prolonged Sitting

Use a disc pad to allow hip movement while feet are flat on the floor.

Use a yoga ball intermittently as a chair.  Use of yoga balls need to be gradual as to not cause muscle fatigue.

Alter seating arrangement of particular students depending on their posture between classes.

Cue students to change posture; deep breathing 1,2,3 technique is often easiest and quickest method.

Alter lessons so different work spaces are needed every forty-fifty minutes.

Teach stretching techniques that can be used in class without affecting others.